I am certain that there are folks out there using this tragedy to push their own political or religious agenda, shame on them! This is a time for prayer and a time for comforting those affected by the shooting.
What I do want to point out is that there are some good Christian folks out there writing about this tragedy, not to push an agenda, but to respond to the outcry of "Why did this happen?!"
We live our lives mostly unconcerned with true evil, until something like this happens. People want to ignore the evil in the world and put it on a back shelf. We don't like to discuss unpleasant things such as this, but we cannot help it during times like these. People want to know how and why someone could do something like this. Christians and non-Christians alike cry out and wonder why God would allow evil like this to happen.
I don't have the answers and I don't think anyone can truly know exactly why these things happen. What I do know is that the only worldview that truly addresses the problem, and solution(Jesus Christ), of evil is the Christian worldview. God will provide justice for all and will one day do away with evil in the world. In the here and now, we have to deal with injustice and evil on the small and large scale every day...and it is no easy task. These questions about evil and the doubts about God because of them are valid and worth asking. Be concerned, angry, sad, prayerful...mourn. However, beyond that, ask the deeper questions about the true underlying cause of events like this and seek out the answers to those questions from reliable sources and not internet rhetoric based on irrational thought.
Again, please don't think, that this is an agenda. I am simply responding to a "tweet" I read earlier. I just want everyone to know that not everyone is out to push an agenda or force a belief...it never really works that way. I just wanted to let you know that there are genuine caring Christians out there willing to tackle the questions of evil for those seeking answers.
From Stand To Reason:
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