Lamentations 2:14-15
14. Your prophets have seen for you
False and foolish visions;
And they have not exposed your iniquity
So as to restore you from captivity,
But they have seen for you false and misleading oracles.
15. All who pass along the way
Clap their hands in derision at you;
They hiss and shake their heads
At the daughter of Jerusalem,
"Is this the city of which they said,
'The perfection of beauty,
A joy to all the earth'?" These verses refer to the false prophets in Judea during the prophecies of Jeremiah. Jeremiah (who is also commonly thought of as the author of Lamentations) was called by God to be His prophet to the people of Judea. His instruction was to tell the people of God's imminent destruction of their land and the conquering of their people because of their great sins and their turning away from Him. Jeremiah was not received very well as could be expected. There were false prophets preaching against Jeremiah's warnings saying that all was good and there was nothing to worry about. The people continued in their ways, did not repent, and eventually fell as God warned.
These verses can be applied today as we make decisions about what church to attend and which people to listen to regarding the Word of God. We must be on our guard against false teachings and false doctrine so we do not get entangled in sinful practices that we think are holy. There are the extreme examples like Waco's Branch Davidians , Westboro Baptist and the recent embarrassment of the eBible Fellowship's rapture predictions. We have to be on the lookout for the more subtle teachings and doctrines that might seem right at first glance, but are completely unbiblical once they are tested against scripture. The teachings of the Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses are prime examples.(not going into detail on this topic at this time...there is plenty of info that can be found online).
Find a church and good teachers that know their Bible, and are not afraid to preach on difficult topics that might convict you of sin in your own life that you need to turn from. Be wary of churches and teachers that preach like motivational speakers. Be wary of those that teach that prayer is like a magical formula for getting things from God.
Read and study the Bible, pray for understanding with a humble heart and God will help you make the right decisions. He will give you discernment regarding the teachings of others on His Word so that you will know the truth when you see it.
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