Monday, August 22, 2011

A Slightly New Direction...

It has been too long since my last post...

   I have been struggling with how to proceed with the blog and what to post next. I have been listening and reading about the validity of the Bible and evidence for the existence of God in an effort to write a post about these topics (I will post some links below to my sources). The struggle I have encountered is this: How do I take what I have read and heard and put it into my own words, or should I even try? The more I listen to and read lectures and articles by people who are much more educated in these topics and who have been doing this for some years now, the less I feel that I could do justice to those studies. They are very in-depth and informative and I would simply be watering down their studies in the process.

   I had originally intended this to be more of a dialog with people on their beliefs, but it just hasn't worked out that way for the most part. I believe that this is God's way of telling me to take this in a slightly different direction. I really want this blog to be in my own words as much as possible, so I will mainly be using this as a Bible study journal of sorts in an effort to keep me on track with my personal growth as a Christian. I will let you know when I post something and I invite you to come read, ask questions & follow any links to videos or articles I think are useful.
   My prayer for you is that, if you are a Christian, God might use me to show you something new through all of this. If you are not a believer, I pray that you are here because God is drawing you closer and working on you so that you might understand the truth of Jesus Christ. Come at this with a humble heart and I pray that God will reach out to you and start to convince you about who He really is.

   My job is to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to all the world, or at least my small corner of it...I hope and pray that I can do this in a way that is pleasing to God and is a benefit to you as well as myself.

Mark "ClydeFrog" Ritter

Here are the links to the studies I have been listening to. they are pretty long series of lectures and articles, but very well though out and very worth going through. 

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